

Ministry of Finance

Planning and Economic Development

About Public Private Partnership Unit



The Public-Private Partnerships Unit (PPPU) is an institution established by an Act of Parliament within the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MOFPED) of Uganda. The Unit has existed since 2015 and its major role is to serve as the secretariat and technical arm of the PPP Committee.

The Unit also provides overall technical expertise and guidance to contracting authorities in the development and implementation of PPP projects.

The Unit reports to the PPP Committee for technical matters and to the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Treasury on Finance and Administrative matters.

Functions of the Unit

Functions of the Unit

In accordance with the PPP Act 2015, the PPP Unit is mandated to:

  1. Serve as a resource center on matters relating to PPPs;
  2. Conduct civic education to promote awareness and understanding of the PPP process amongst stakeholders;
  3. Provide capacity building to, and advise contracting authorities or other parties involved in the planning, coordinating, undertaking, or monitoring of PPP projects;
  4. Rate, compile, and maintain an inventory of prospective PPP projects that are highly rated and are likely to attract private sector investment;
  5. Develop an open, transparent, efficient, and equitable process for managing the identification, screening, prioritization, development, procurement, implementation, and monitoring of projects, and ensure that the process is applied consistently to all projects.
  6. Conduct research and gap analysis to ensure continuous improvement in the implementation of PPPs;
  7. Collate, analyze, and disseminate information including data on the contingent liabilities of the Government in relation to a PPP project;
  8. Make recommendations to the PPP Committee for consideration;
  9. Assist contracting authorities to design, identify, select, prioritize, appraise, evaluating, and negotiating projects;
  10. Liaise with, and assist the contracting authorities, where the Unit considers it necessary, to design, identify, select, prioritize, appraise, evaluate, and negotiate projects;
  11. Maintain a record of all project documentation;
  12. Review and assess requests for Government support in relation to a project and advise the PPP Committee on the support that should be accorded in relation to the project;
  13. Assist the PPP Committee in formulating guidelines and standard documentation required;
  14. Liaise with, and assist the contracting authorities in their roles in the various stages of a project cycle;
  15. Ensure that the procurement process relating to a project conforms to the Act and to procurement best practices;
  16. Put in place measures to eliminate the constraints that limit the realization of benefits expected from a PPP
  17. Monitor contingent liabilities and accounting and budgetary issues related to PPPs with the relevant offices in the Ministry of Finance.