Guide to use PRH
The website is organized into seven sections. The layout of information in the sections is:
- Home: contains information on the PPP Unit of Uganda, the latest activities of the PPP Unit, important links to other websites of the Government of Uganda, and updates on PPPs in the country.
- About: contains details on the PPP Committee, organization structure, details of the resource hub, etc.
- Regulatory and Institutional Framework: contains information on the legal and regulatory frameworks for PPPs in Uganda. It provides access to the PPP Act, Regulations, PPP Guidelines, disclosure framework, and institutional framework for PPPs.
- Local PPP Guidelines: This section contains information on processes, guidelines, and templates to help local governments develop PPP projects.
- Guidance Material and Tools: contains guidance, reference materials, and tools across the entire PPP development and implementation cycle.
- E-Library: contains reference materials, case studies, standard templates, useful links from various sources, and good practices on PPPs.
- Training Material: contains PPP presentation slides and training materials on PPPs.