

Ministry of Finance

Planning and Economic Development

Local PPP Guidelines

PPP Guidelines for Local Governments

Local Governments face the same infrastructure needs and challenges as the central government. However, the needs of Local Governments may not be as diverse and complex as those at the center. Whereas Local Governments are mandated to raise their own revenue to meet some of their obligations, they receive budget appropriation from the central government which may not cover all planned aspects.

In order to encourage productivity and a stronger local revenue base for Local Governments, Government initiated the Local Economic Development (LED) model under decentralization. 10 LED focuses on enhancement of overall welfare and productivity of localities through strategic partnerships and investments with the private sector. Coupled with the Parish Development Model (PDM) which considers the parish as the basic unit of development and service delivery, LED and PDM acknowledge the need to leverage private sector resources and efficiencies for socio economic transformation.

In order to encourage productivity and a stronger local revenue base for Local Governments, Government initiated the Local Economic Development (LED) model under decentralization. 10 LED focuses on enhancement of overall welfare and productivity of localities through strategic partnerships and investments with the private sector. Coupled with the Parish Development Model (PDM) which considers the parish as the basic unit of development and service delivery, LED and PDM acknowledge the need to leverage private sector resources and efficiencies for socio economic transformation.

The Local Government guidelines are therefore complimentary to processes and requirements listed under the PPP Act and the PPP Regulations. A review of these Guidelines may be made and published from time to time as necessary.

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1 LG PPP Concept Note